Upaya Pengembangan Sektor Pariwisata Melalui Collaborative Governance di Kota Ponorogo
This article aims to know the implementation of the principles of collaborative governance in the development of the tourism sector in the city of Ponorogo need a governance that can manage tourism in the current pandemic. This article was written using descriptive methods with qualitative approach Theory applied to achieve the objectives of this study is the theory which includes participation, acceptance, communication, trust and the principle of sharing. Tourism management needs special handling in the context of collaborative governance. Collaborativegovernance as a responsibility for the sustainability of tourism based on the incorporation of resources between the three pillars of governance. The implementation of collaborative governance practices aims to optimize the objectives of activities. Tourism development can remind economic growth in opening jobs, income and living standards in an area. In the management of tourism the role is not only done by one party but all supporting aspects involved in order to create experience and value of tourism benefits so as to provide benefits and benefits to the community to the environment. In this development does not involve only parties but starting from the community, the government as well as academics, private and stakeholders in the development area was implemented. The results of this study showed there are various forms of collaborative governance in the development of agrotourism tourism destinations Kedung Banteng.
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