Kemitraan Pemerintah Desa dalam Mengembangkan Wisata Sejarah “Rumah Singgah Jenderal Soedirman”
This study aims to find out the partnership between the Ngindeng Village Government in developing historical tourism at the General Sudirman Shelter House. The theory used as analysis in this research is to use the partnership theory from Elinda, Maulana, and Habibi which explains partnership as cooperation between organizations or an institution in order to achieve goals that cannot be achieved or carried out independently, in other words partnerships The theory of tourism from Sulisti Afriani which explains that tourism is a traveling activity carried out by an individual or a group of people to another place from their place of origin. recreational purposes. As for in this study using As in this study the research method used is a qualitative research method, namely describing through words. Based on the results of research in the field, it can be concluded about the development of General Sudirman's halfway tour, based on the fact that the house was often visited by many people and also often held historical events or commemorating National Day so that the Ngindeng Village Government seeks to develop the house into a local tourism place. based on history that has the values of the struggle for Indonesian independence.
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