Inovasi Desa Tangguh Bencana Desa Lojejer Kabupaten Jember dalam Mengatasi Covid-19
Innovation and creativity for community empowerment from the Tangguh Disaster Village program is an effort to reduce the number of victims who have fallen due to natural disasters and non-natural disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic in Lojejer Village, Wuluhan District, Jember Regency. The Tangguh Disaster Village in Lojejer Village focuses on aspects of community empowerment where in this matter it relates to joint efforts to overcome floods, landslides and tsunamis, considering that the western area is bordered by the Bedadung River which empties into Puger or Pancer, the south is a mountain, namely: Mount Watang, in the eastern area there is Mount Watang, there are beach and forest tourism spots managed by Perum Perhutani called Papuma, the western end area which is the estuary where fishing boats land and there is also a natural bath called Kucur. These areas are prone to disaster and potential. The Destana program also aims, one of which is to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 as well as in anticipation of future disasters and after disasters. This program requires socialization and guidance to the community to be more alert and responsive to future disasters as well as after disasters and villages or sub-districts to have the independent ability to adapt and face potential disaster threats, as well as to recover quickly from the adverse impacts of disasters. The community needs provision from the government in the context of empowerment so that they are more aware of upcoming disasters.
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