Upaya Peningkatan Kuaalitas Kerja Pemerintah Desa Melalui Teknologi Informasi Di Desa Sicini Kecamatan Parigi Kabupaten Gowa
Efforts to improve the quality of work of the Sicini Village government through information technology, efforts to improve the quality of work aimed at providing the best for the village, village progress, and satisfaction for the community, in terms of (1) the optimal work results of efforts to improve the quality of work of the Sicini Village government have been running Village profile data and village financial data input have been uploaded to the central government however, data imported and uploaded to social media such as Instagram, there are still some people who do not access it due to the lack of public knowledge of information technology. (2) the work process in an effort to improve the quality of work through information technology is already running well, however, it is necessary to improve the supervision process by village assistants in order to create perfect supervision. (3) Atusiame in an effort to improve the quality of work through information technology is good in terms of attendance, task implementation, work motivation and the efforts of the Sicini Village government in carrying out its duties and responsibilities. However, it is a concern that later the attendance of the Sicini Village office employees will increase to 100%. (4) the supporting and inhibiting factors of efforts to improve the quality of work through information technology, which is a supporting factor for the Sicini Village government in improving the quality of work through information technology is the availability of adequate technology and employees who are enthusiastic at work, while the inhibiting factor is the network that is this was not smooth, it became an obstacle for the Sicini Village employees / staff in collecting data online.
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