Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Desa “Banyu Anget Tirto Husodo”
Tourism is a leading sector for many regions because tourism is seen as promising to bring benefits to the regions as well as providing new jobs for local communities. The tourism potential that exists in each region, including Pacian Regency, is an opportunity for increasing tourism both in terms of quantity and quality. It is understandable, that tourism development efforts need to be carried out in a sustainable and sustainable manner, with the hope that the results of tourism development can affect the increase in the number of tourist arrivals and give an unforgettable impression to visiting tourists on existing tourist assets. This study is to describe the development strategy of the tourism village of Banyu Anget "Tirto Husodo" Pacitan in Karangrejo Village, Arjosari District, Pacitan Regency). Data analysis in this study using SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is a method in planning or development, by identifying the factors that are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The strategy for developing the natural tourism object of Banyu Anget "Tirto Husodo" includes: Building infrastructure such as access roads to tourist sites that are easier to reach using private vehicles or public transportation and the road is already physically paved. Creating tourist attractions such as dance, music and traditional ceremonies of a local culture, both traditional and modern. Developing tourism products by providing cafes around tourist objects and built hotels, guest houses, home stays and provided stalls for selling souvenirs in the form of traditional souvenirs and handicrafts.
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