Keberhasilan Pemilihan Kepala Desa Pada Tahun 2019 di Desa Gondowido Kecamatan Ngebel Kabupaten Ponorogo
Success Factors for the selection of a single prospective village head in the village of Gondowido Ngebel sub-district of Ponorogo Regency. In the time before the election was held, the leaders in the village of Gondowido consisting of 3 hamlets namely briquettes, batik, and krajan wanted Mr. Baskoro to become the village head. has a high level of authority in the eyes of the people and has a high social life and the community also believes that his father was once the village head then, and the community has felt satisfaction from the performance of his former father. by himself. Based on the results of the election, Mr. Baskoro at that time got an absolute vote. All of that revealed that the community really wanted him to lead the village of Gondowido.The research used was using qualitative descriptive research. The color of this research was intended to obtain descriptive data in the form of words - said a verbal knowledge and behavior observed by researchers. Case study method by collecting data in the form of observation. interviews and documentation. This result revealed that the community in the village of Gondowido really wanted Mr. Baskoro to be the village head.
Keywoard : Succes, Candidate, Headman.
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