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Vol 12, No 1 (2024): Januari Utilization of NTB Care Information Technology as a Public Complaint Media for West Nusa Tenggara Abstract PDF
Rifaid Rifaid, Ayatullah Hadi, Hidayatullah Hidayatullah, Azwar Subandi
Vol 12, No 2 (2024): July Vertical Conflict on Regional Autonomy between the Regent of the Meranti Islands and the Governor of Riau and the Ministry of Finance Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Bherry Tinanto, Irawati Irawati, Tengku Rika Valentina
Vol 9, No 2 (2021): July Walking the Talk, from Online to Offline? Analyzing Predictors of Political Engagements in the Case of Cebu City, Philippines Abstract PDF
Noe John Joseph Endencio Sacramento
Vol 11, No 2 (2023): July Watching Cultural Hybridity in Hinduism Myth on The PRISMA Series Road to Baliphex 2022 Abstract PDF
Sandra Tri Oktaviana, Anang Sujoko, Dicky Wahyudi
271 - 274 of 274 Items << <