Implementasi Kebijakan Pesawat tanpa Awak di Ponorogo
This study aims to determine the purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the Minister of Transportation Policy No. 90 of 2015 concerning Control of Unmanned Aircraft Operations in Ponorogo Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative. This type of research aims to describe and describe a particular variable, symptom, state, or social phenomenon as it is. In this research, the method used is descriptive qualitative research. The description is exploratory research and plays a very important role in creating hypotheses or people's understanding of various social variables. The result of this research is the implementation stage of the policy after its enactment with various supports from several organizations to implement it. This is because, in Ponorogo Regency, there are no regional regulations or Regent decrees as an extension of the ministerial regulations. The model for implementing government policies related to Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 90 of 2015 can be categorized in the “The top-down approach” model. The implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation in Ponorogo Regency is supported by the variables of Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure, but is hampered by problems of transmission (communication) which must be carried out appropriately, accurately and consistently because the Ponorogo Regency Transportation Office does not have much data regarding drone ownership in Ponorogo. Another problem that becomes an obstacle is the variable resources, especially those related to information, where the Ponorogo Regency Transportation Office as the implementor does not know exactly how many other people are involved in implementing the policy (drone users), whether they are obedient or not. the policy of the minister of transportation is due to the lack of data regarding drone users.
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