Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Pusat Informasi Desa Singkil Ponorogo Saat Covid-19
During the past year, Indonesia is facing the outbreak of corona virus which is increasing up to knock out almost all of the sector is no exception bureaucracy. Pandemic Covid-19 requires us to create a new order in the bureaucracy and the change of the pattern work. Every effort is made by the government to handle covid-19, the policies and regulations set by the central government followed by the regional government in Indonesia to tackle the covid-19 is no exception one of the areas in east Java, especially Ponorogo. The village Singkil Ponorogo is a village do innovation of public services by way of providing information regarding the pandemic covid-19, which within the online platform. This study alms to describe how innovation a public service for information about covid-19 based innovative in Ponorogo. This innovation set can provide acceleration in the provision of information about coovid-19 in Ponorogo. This research method uses a qualitative approach of ethnography of the virtual.
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- Undang-Undang No 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik.